
Getting results are important and we know that our programme and a healthy lifestyle will create them, but we are not big fans of before and after shots. We'd rather you be happy as you are, before, after and during. For us the journey is more important.

This is what our clients have to say about theirs:


Mel Vescio
"John provides a training program that gives each member an opportunity to explore the park and complete a variety of exercises that are not monotonous. He uses the advantages of the park such as the hills, the oval and the scenic ponds as opportunities to extend our fitness capacity. The location is extremely beneficial as it is in close proximity to home and work. I feel fortunate to have a trainer who is genuinely interested and invested in my progress. He is steadfast in his commitment to challenge and ultimately improve my fitness yet readily applies modifications where necessary. The supportive nature of the group is a key reason I have been with Evo for a year and half. Mel Vescio, 169 sessions with St Peters Evo & member since January 2014"*

Rob Peard
"In the summer, seeing the amazing sunrises in the morning when i'm training in Sydney Park at top of the hill is priceless. Just being outdoors and training feels great. I love training so close to home (Erskineville). It's an easy 10 min walk to the park. It's good to see all the people out and about that early in the morning, training, walking their dogs, etc. Evo is great for keeping the body conditioned for overall fitness. I like feeling like i'm becoming fitter and stronger. Rob Peard, 87 x sessions with St Peters Evo & member since November 2014"*

Jessica Malone
"There's something so peaceful and rewarding about training with the EVO crew outdoors in the early hours of the morning.... experiencing the sun rise, listening to the birds, witnessing the morning commute from afar, taking in the magnificent view of the city while you hold a seated-squat on top of the hill... its absolutely beautiful and a great way to start ANY day. Sydney Park is one the best parks in Sydney. I have been so grateful to have truly discovered the hidden delights of this local gem. I have a new found passion for being active. Since joining EVO, there's no need to self-talk myself out of bed in the mornings any more because I actually want to go. It's never boring, its always challenging and you never regret getting out of bed super early; the EVO t-shirts don't lie, you actually do love 6am. Jessica Malone, 105 sessions with St Peters Evo & member since September 2014"*

Alice Tran
"In addition to the range of top quality equipment incorporated into the well planned sessions, I really get a lot out of the encouragement and motivation from the trainer. The outdoor environment is a bonus. I get to train in an amazing large park with lots of grass, pathways that take you to new areas and plenty of rolling hills (maybe that's a bad thing!). This is all topped off with being able to see the sun rise over Sydney's skyline - absolutely amazing. It is also an excellent way to kick start each day! Alice Tran, 64 x sessions with St Peters Evo & member since March 2015"*

Carolyn Stevens
"Having trained indoors for years, and then outdoors with another group, I highly recommend Evo. The fresh air first thing in the morning is great outdoors And there's lots of space. Although we sometimes need to wear a couple of extra layers to compensate for the coldness, I'll never go back to indoors training or a non-Evo option. For me, it doesn't come any better than training next to the water at Balmoral! With my fun and supportive trainer Brooke and her team - Carolyn Stevens 257 Balmoral evolution sessions since September 2012"*

Bridgette Helmer
"Even on the coldest mornings, nothing better than looking out over the water with the sun shining! We have a great group. I look forward to seeing them every morning! We work hard, support each other, and have a few laughs. It's a part of my daily life that keeps me fit, motivated, and gives me a great social connection - Brigette Helmer 135 Balmoral evolution sessions since 2013"*

Caroline Harman
"Being outside at our beautiful location is awesome. I love the variety of workouts and the thought that goes into mixing it up - cardio, strength and flexibility all built in to the sessions across the week. I'm always challenged to do better - whether that be a heavier weight or a faster run (there's no hiding!). We have a wonderful group - supportive, sociable and importantly always ready for a laugh. We frequently have a coffee or a night out and I've made some wonderful enduring friendships through training. I have changed my lifestyle to be much healthier than I was in the past. After working out I feel motivated and that my day has started the way it should. My workouts are part of my schedule and really are non-negotiable - Caroline Harman 317 Balmoral evolution sessions since Aug 2010"*

Poly Olson
"After a rush of a morning getting 3 kids and a husband off to school and work, arriving in Balmoral to the stunning view is the best way to start the rest of my day. The fresh air for me improves my energy level, and always has an overall positive effect on me that lasts through the day. Training in our local community is extremely convenient and the Balmoral views and fresh air are pretty much impossible to compete with. Absolutely stunning! Training with Brooke and evo for the past 3+ years has truly been one of the best decisions I have made. Not only have I improved my health and fitness level, I have also gained true friendships with my trainers and the people who I spend a very important hour of my day with - Polly Olson Member 163 Balmoral evolution sessions since May 2012"*

Denis Cantin
"I enjoy the variety of work out activities from week to week. The outdoor venue provides great quality space and the terrain is incorporated into the work out activities. The convenience factor is key, getting to know the group members from the community is a bonus. The check in that I receive every Sunday from my evo trainer Chris helps me in keeping my commitment to me, the trainer and the group. The expert support and guidance on exercise technique and the variety of weekly activity programs are why I would recommend Evo - Denis Cantin, 186 sessions with Waverton Evo & member since February 2013"*

Janet Robertson
"The first thing I love about Evo is that its outdoors, all that fresh air and the most most amazing sunrises. Secondly Evo is NOT boot camp with all that nasty shouting, but respectful coaching and encouragement for all levels. It's close and possible to get training done and get to work on time. Training with locals means we can meet afterwards easily, and bump into each other in real clothes. . I've been with evo for three years, and it never gets boring. That adrenalin rush, great fitness levels, variety and a friendly group to work with. Janet Robertson, 612 sessions with Waverton Evo member since September 2012"*

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* Testimonial Disclaimer

All testimonials are real. However, it must be disclaimed that these testimonials do not claim to represent typical results. They are meant as a showcase of what the people can achieve. Individual results may vary and you may not get the same results as those described in these testimonials. Your outcome depends on you and how much effort you put in.


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