Poker for Health

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“The Key to Success is playing the hand you were dealt like it was the hand you wanted”


We all know those people who have the best poker faces around when faced with adversity or those that just grin and bear it and get on with life when it throws them lemons. We also all know those people who breakdown into a slobbering mess as they curl into foetal position with their woe is me story when something goes wrong.


What if ‘life’ was much simpler? What if we just learnt to be grateful for the hand that we were dealt and find a way to see the positive in our situation. Would the world function better? Maybe not the whole world, but perhaps your little corner of it.


5 tips to practice more gratitude in your life


  1. Write a journal. It doesn’t have to be a long winded recap of your day. Keep it short and succinct- “5 things that I’m grateful for today”
  2. Say and Give THANKS more frequently. If somebody does something nice for you, make sure you acknowledge and thank them for making a difference in your life
  3. Do at least 1 REALLY kind thing for yourself every week
  4. Do EVEN more REALLY kind things for others EVERY day. And do them unconditionally. It is ok if people don’t know how to say thanks back just yet.
  5. Find the positive in a negative. How has that perceived negative helped you? What has it taught you and have you gained anything from having experienced it? If you’re having trouble writing your gratitude journal after a particularly bad day this is a GREAT way to find the positives!

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