Is FOMO making you tired, sick or stressed?

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FEAR OF MISSING OUT… an abbreviated term that has come to light in the last decade from a generation who need to be constantly entertained, dined, stimulated and contactable.


Many of us are tied to our smart devices and constantly connected to friends and loved ones. We know exactly what is happening in everybody’s lives and are constantly filling our schedule with the latest and greatest of social occasions.


However, is it possible that this social phenomenon is leading us as a society to exhaustion? The presence of fatigue, inflammation, lifestyle disorders and mental health issues are as high as they have ever been. Some of this can be attributed to the constant desire to be switched on, accessible and in amongst ‘IT.’ ALL THE TIME.


The solution…

  1. Learn how to say no
  2. Listen to the intrinsic messages within your body
  3. Ask yourself WHY it is so important that you be part of ‘IT’
  4. Appreciate quiet time and get better at being on your own
  5. Have a tech time-out 1x week/month/season
  6. Prioritise what is really important to you… being in the thick of it or giving yourself the down time you need?

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