5 Good Reasons to Give Back

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Research has shown that the good feelings (happy hormones) you experience when helping others in need may be akin to that of eating healthily and exercising.


The Laws of Attraction extend to that of giving back (unconditionally). A US survey on volunteering found that 52% of the people studied volunteer because they like doing something useful and helping others, while 38% said it made them feel good about themselves.


When you give without expectations of anything in return you receive in abundance back. Although there are many more positives to gain from giving unconditionally to others we chose 5 of the best.


  1. Develop new skills- trying something new or giving up your time often leads to gaining new skills and knowledge
  2. Make Social connections- You will inevitably be put into a situation with other people who are donating their time as well as meeting and learning about the people whom you are helping
  3. Giving back to the community you live in. If more people were generous with their time, wanting to help others and giving without expectations then the community we all live in would be more understanding and harmonious
  4. Gain a new perspective- Seeing the world through another person’s lens is the perfect way to develop empathy for others and find gratitude for the life that you currently lead. It helps you to develop and grow as a person
  5. Increase self esteem- doing something kind for somebody else that couldn’t or wouldn’t be able to do it for themselves leads most people to feel a sense of self worth and self esteem.


Kahlil Gibran said “Generosity is giving more than you can, pride is taking less than you need.” When these qualities come as second nature to a human being they will generally find that they are happier and healthier within their own life.


At Evolution to Wellbeing we believe in giving back to our local community as well as beyond our shores. Check out this link to our You Move Me Project or our Ambassador Korrin Barrett’s website Living Possibility.

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