
Getting results are important and we know that our programme and a healthy lifestyle will create them, but we are not big fans of before and after shots. We'd rather you be happy as you are, before, after and during. For us the journey is more important.

This is what our clients have to say about theirs:


Sean Kearney
"To train outside every morning while watching the sunrise is simply the most amazing way to start the day. I love it... it's like an addiction. Evo provides the motivation to go one step further than you thought you could...one more burpee, one more kettelbell swing, one more km on the run. - member since 2014"*

Matt Hilton
"I work at a computer all day, so getting outside to work out is critical for staying sane and releasing stress. I enjoy outdoor training so much more than gym-based work and I love the camaraderie of like-minded local people. I feel much more connected to my local area since starting to train locally - member since 2015"*

Georgie Young
"When you train outdoors, the environment never goes stale, as it does in a gym. I've also forged some of the strongest and most important friendships in my life and I will be forever grateful to Evo for bringing us all together - member since 2011"*

Barry Rutstein
"I really love the fresh air and seeing the sunrise before most of the world. Couple that with the fact that it's so easy to get to and I have built special friendships with like - minded people. A second family! - member since 2013"*

Lou Monk
"I am constantly inspired by the achievements of the people at training. There is a great camaraderie regardless of fitness levels. I can tick one hour of exercise off my to do list and get on with my day feeling great - Member since 2011"*

Katerina Plastiras
" What I love about evo is the variety it provides - no session is the same. I am now able to do things I didn't think I could do which is a really rewarding feeling - Member since 2013"*

Jasmin Pampling
"Working from a studio there can be entire weeks where I don't see the sun. Training with Evo has been great for getting me out into the fresh air and it's a nice reminder there is life beyond work. Rain hail or shine, our trainer is there to meet us with a smile - Member since 2013"*

Grace Mclean
"It's been great to meet new people who live locally as well as take advantage of the beautiful place where we are lucky to live!. I really thrive off the energy of others and find myself a lot more motivated training within a group - Member since 2013"*

Nicola Saltman
"Fitness has always been part of my life and so training locally (5 min drive from home) means I can still fit it into my day, home in time to get kids ready, shower, dress and shoot off to school and the office - Member since 2013 "*

Kate Montgomerie
"Joining evo has completely changed my outlook on exercise. I look forward to my early morning training sessions no matter what the rest of the day brings. I get to see the sun come up at Coogee beach and it is an awesome start to the day. Training outdoors gives me such a great sense of accomplishment. It has also helped me to meet some fantastic people in my local area and given me a greater sense of community. Being outside in such a supportive and friendly group has been more motivating for me than the gym has ever been. I love being able to use the beach and surrounds as my training area. The type of training we do outdoors with evo has had more of an impact on my health and fitness in just a couple of months than years of classes at the gym! Evo has helped me to improve my fitness levels well beyond what I thought I was capable of. The trainers are extremely motivating and keep each session challenging and fun - Kate Montgomerie, Evolution Coogee. 36 sessions and a member since April 2015"*

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* Testimonial Disclaimer

All testimonials are real. However, it must be disclaimed that these testimonials do not claim to represent typical results. They are meant as a showcase of what the people can achieve. Individual results may vary and you may not get the same results as those described in these testimonials. Your outcome depends on you and how much effort you put in.


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